Saturday 14 December 2013

Final School Week

I really can't believe that we are in our last week for the year, 2 and half more days to go. I just want to say thank you  for all the support you have given to help your child with their learning. The children this year have been an amazing bunch of children and I have absolutely enjoyed every moment with them! I am quite saddened that I will not get any of you again next year. I am sure that whoever you have next year will be just as good! 
I wish you all a safe and happy christmas and a restful and well deserved holiday!

Monday: Class Disco from 9.30ish to farewell Quinn who will be leaving St Mary's to go to Wesbrook. All the best to you Quinn.

9ish:Singing Practice, 2.00: Meet your new teacher.

Tuesday: 9am Prizegiving. You will know if your child is receiving a prize this year from a note left in your child's report.

5.10: Children meet their teacher on the field before going into church. MASS IS AT 5.30PM Please come in school uniform.

Wednesday: 11.30 Missioning for Year 6 students
12 noon School ends!

Secret Task: Say to Mrs Waititi " My teacher is the best because..." and finish off the sentence. You will be rewarded with a great big HUG!!!!

Saturday 7 December 2013

Week 9

7 and half more days of school left everyone! Let's make them the best we've ever had! No homework will be set for these last days also! Just keep up with the reading. Swimming everyday this week so please bring your togs. 

Here's what's on this week.
Monday: Special Assembly at 11am to announce raffle winners. Singing Practice for End of year Mass. 

 Friday: Middle School Picnic. Please come in mufti and bring something for our shared lunch. Will need to be sun smart too so bring in some sunscreen, a sunhat, and fluids to drink.If you have any water guns to bring in that would be good also.

Shhhh Secret task: A special something for the first 6 children to say and complete this sentence: On the first day of christmas my true love gave to me...

Saturday 30 November 2013

Week 8

Hello all!
Not a lot happening in middle school this week.
We have one person in our class who will be receiving an award for having 100% attendance this year at school. Congratulations Gabriel.
Also to two children in our class who made it to Interschool Athletics. We wish you luck Polly and Harry.

Monday: Visiting the mobile library at school. There are 5 children who still need to return their library book. Please bring these back as Mrs O'Leary is starting stocktake!
Friday: Home learning, Home Reading are due. Golden time.

Saturday 23 November 2013

Week 7 Already!

Hello everybody! Thank you to all the parents who were able to help out with athletics last Friday. It was a very exciting day. Well done to those children who got placings in their events too!
I will be giving children portfolio assessment over the next few weeks. The reading results are looking good for most of the class. Just a few children who need to make sure they read as often as possible.

We have swimming on all week, so please make sure you bring your swimming gear in.

Monday: Library. No more issuing as Mrs O'Leary needs to do a stocktake.  So could all books be returned immediately.
We also wish our Kapa Haka Ahurei performers lots of luck, as they will be performing on this night.

Tuesday: Consultation with Indian community Meeting at 6pm.

Wednesday: Singing Practice.

Friday: Golden Time.

Sunday 17 November 2013


This week the school is hosting some community meetings.  The discussion will be on some aspects of our Charter and planned E-learning developments for the school for next year.  The meetings will be held in Room 15 and are scheduled for:

Wednesday 20 November         

General Meeting     3.15 pm 
Whanau Group       5.30 pm  

Thursday 21 November             

 General Meeting     8.45 am (meeting in Hall)          
 Filipino Community  3.15 pm
 Pasifika Fono         5.30 pm
 General Meeting    7.00pm

Tuesday 26  November             
 Indian Community   6.30 pm

Anyone is welcome to attend any meeting time slot that suits. The same content will be presented at each meeting. It would be good if everyone could try to come to a meeting -  particularly parents of children who are currently in Year 2 or 3.  This is because the school is planning to allow students in Year 3/4 in 2014 to bring a Chromebook to school if they wish (probably from start of Term 2).

Week 6

Hi everyone!  We had an amazing week last week particularly with getting our costumes organised for Character Day. Rm 7 also did a fantastic job performing at Grandparents mass! Lots of positive comments! Well Done!
Just a reminder:
-Could you please make sure children are coming to school with hats! No hat, no play out in the sun!
-Also a few children lost Golden Time due to being silly in class. Please have a talk to your children and remind them about the importance of coming to school ready for learning. Their behaviour is affecting theirs and others learning!

Monday: Library
Tuesday: Athletics Training( Bring in PE gear)
Wednesday: Athletics Training ( Bring in PE gear)
Thursday: Home Learning and Home reading are DUE because of athletics on Friday.
Friday: Athletics Day. I will post more information as soon as we are given it.

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Our Character Extravaganza

We had an awesome day dressing up as " Where's Wally/ Wendy". Alot of teachers commented that we should get the best class award! Crossing our fingers!!

All The Wendy's

All the Wally's

Monday 11 November 2013

Cool New Photos!

Check out the photos tab for some cool new pics taken by kids from our class!

Sunday 10 November 2013

Saturday 9 November 2013

Week 5

Hi everyone! We are getting close to the middle of the term! Where has all our time gone?
Please remember these things to bring in for this weeks Book Character Day: Old white t shirt that we can paint. Our plan for this Thursday's exciting day is to all be dressed up as the " Where's Wally/ Wendy?" Characters. I'm hoping we can get the best class award. Yes Mrs Waititi will be dressing up too!!
Swimming this week also, so please bring in your togs!Sun hats are a must in this warm weather also! 
Monday: Library/ Athletics Training ( Bring in PE gear)
Tuesday: Athletics training ( Bring in PE Gear)
Thursday: Book Character Day. Don't forget to wear some jeans, or blue on the bottom. Bring in a gold coin donation. Funds go towards a Christmas dinner for the less fortunate.
Friday: Grandparents Day Mass at 9am and entertainment at 11am after morning tea.

Secret task: Tell me the name of the teacher that recently posted on a wallwisher task and how many pet fish we have on our page. Must have both answers. Remember it's a secret!

Monday 4 November 2013

Popplet on the ipads

A few children have made a popplet to help them with tricky/ unknown words that come up in their stories. They had to guess what the word meant by looking around the word for clues then they had to find out for themselves.

Special Visitor

Andrew Chin in the House! on PhotoPeach

Saturday 2 November 2013

Week 4

Quite a few notices for this week everyone!
First of all everyone is expected to be in full summer uniform now, and wearing sun hats during morning tea and lunch is compulsory. Please ensure your child is in full school uniform, shoes especially. Not hat means no play out in the sun.

Monday: Library

Tuesday: Andrew Chin ( a very talented singer/ musician) is coming in to work with the children. At 6.30 to 7.30 there will be a concert in the church. All children need to come in school uniform, everyone will be part of the performance. It will be amazing!

Friday: Home Learning is Due as well as home reading.
Please bring in a piece of fruit or a raw edible vegetable ( carrot, celery) which will be chopped up to be put on platters for everyone to enjoy on this day!

If your child is feeling too unwell to come to school please keep them at home. This will lessen the chances of germs spreading.

Secret Task: First 5 children to say synonym x3 will receive a surprise!

Tuesday 29 October 2013

Week 3

Hello everyone! Apologies for the late notice! I was stuck in Auckland over the long weekend trying to get our car fixed! The only message for this week is swimming is on every day! Thursday: Senior School are leading the Rosary. Friday: Golden Time, see tab. Home reading is due also! Have a wonderful week everyone!

Saturday 19 October 2013

Week 2

Kia Ora everybody! What amazing weather we had over the weekend! Nice to get into the garden planting veges!

Here's what's happening this week! No Swimming.

Monday: Library
Wednesday: Rm 3 are having a cake stall raising funds for the people in the Phillipines. Bring in 50c or $1.
Thursday: Middle school are leading the school in the Rosary. Please practice Awe e Maria for this!
Friday: Golden Time/ Assembly. Please see Golden Time Tab to find out what's on for this week! Home Learning Books and Home Reading are also due this day!

Saturday 12 October 2013

Welcome Back Week 1 term 4

Kia Ora to all you awesome children!
Please ask your parents to check out the " Parent Information" tab, this is where they will find out what you will be doing for this term.

Here's what's happening this week!
Swimming is every day this week so please bring in your swimming gear.
Monday: Library
Wednesday: Singing practice
Friday: Assembly

We missed out on ice cream last term, but I will continue with the class reading chart for this term. Our class goal is to complete the other 2 sheets, come on Rm 7 we can do it!

Hope you all have a fantastic first week!

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Holiday Hello

Hello awesome children! I hope you are all having a marvellous holiday!
Hopefully everyone is getting their reading logs filled out...the class that gets the most handed in will win a pizza lunch!
I am looking forward to seeing everybody on the first day! 5 more sleeps everyone!

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Enterprise Song

This is the song that was made by all the students that took part in dream classes. Some children sang, rapped, said a poem and played instruments via garageband on the ipads! So everyone has had some kind of contribution to the song!

Saturday 21 September 2013

Week 9

This is our final week for the term!
Lots of exciting things happening this week!

Monday: Children are getting their beautiful voices recorded for the Gabriel's Presence CD.
Last Dream Class session.

Wednesday: Poetry Finals at 11am in the hall as well as some sharing time to show what the children have done in their dream classes.

Friday: Last day of school. Golden Time. We are making waffles. You can bring in your favourite topping!
 We are also hosting assembly. Do come if you get the chance. Assembly is at 2.00 pm.

Home Reading is Due!

Thursday 19 September 2013

Calendar Art

Hi everyone, check out the awesome calendar art we have produced!
Orders can be placed at the office, just say your child's name and their class and what you would like to order! This is not compulsory. I will get a copy of your child's art for their portfolios too! If you are stuck for christmas presents for family, this might be the way to go.

Calendar Art on PhotoPeach

Sunday 15 September 2013

Week 8

Hello Everyone! Weren't we lucky to have beautiful weather over the weekend! Definitely better than what we got during the week! The sherbet was a hit on Friday!
Here's what's on!

Monday: Libray. Poetry Recital Starts!
Tuesday/ Wednesday: Dream Classes and Poetry Recitals on both days also
Friday: Home Learning Due and Golden Time. We are making slushies, I am happy to bring in the ice, if you would like to have fruit in yours please bring this in chopped up ( might also be good if it was frozen), or a packet of raro/ refresh. Does  anyone have a blender we can borrow?

Next week Rm 7 are on assembly on Friday, you are welcome to see our performance.
Next Thursday is our school disco, which will mark the term coming to an end.
Also Middle School Sharing Time will take place next Wednesday. Details to follow.

Sunday 8 September 2013

Week 7

We have 3 more weeks of school for this term! That's crazy!

Here's whats on this week

Monday: Library

Tue and Wed: Dream Classes

Fri: Golden Time, we're making sherbet...everyone on your best behaviour!

Reminder: Please bring in your Home Reading if you are on the programme! Also, the poetry competitions will be next week, so keep practicing your poems!

Thursday 5 September 2013

Church mosaics

These are some mosaics that we have been doing in the class for R.E.

St Mary's Birthday


We made these Mary Dioramas because it was Mary's birthday.o

Saturday 31 August 2013

Week 6

Hello everyone! Hope you all had a wonderful weekend spending quality time and spoiling your fathers for Father's Day!

Monday: Library

Tues and Wednesday: Dream Classes

Friday: Birthday of St Mary Mass. All are welcome. Home learning and home reading books are due also!

The senior kids are also selling sweets throughout the week. Bring in 50c to a dollar of you would like a treat!

Sunday 25 August 2013

Week 5

It still amazes me how fast time has been going! I did have a student say to me one morning " Mrs Waititi, that block went really quickly" I did reply and say " When you're really engaged in a task, it's going to go quickly!"Definitely lots of learning going on this term! Here's what's happening this week. Monday: Library Wednesday: Possibly Pass It. We have a catch up session owed to us. Also later on that evening the Middle School Teachers are running a workshop based around reading and Maths. There was a newsletter that was given out last week to the children about the workshop. If you have not returned it, please do so so we are aware of the numbers attending. Friday: Young Vinnies are fundraising and are putting on a " Whacky Hair and Socks Day" for all children. If you would like to take part, please come to school in your best hairstyles and creative socks along with a gold coin donation.Funds go to really good causes. Have a wonderful week everybody!

Thursday 22 August 2013

Tuesday 20 August 2013

Reading chart

This is how much reading we have done in our class so far 6 lines the goal is 4 charts of reading.

Saturday 17 August 2013

Week 4

Wowsers Week 4 already!

Here's whats happening:

Monday: Milk in Schools Programme is starting. If your child has not yet  handed in a permission slip confirming their participation in the programme, they will not be allowed to have the milk. So please ensure they bring their slip in.

Tuesday and Thursday: Dream Classes

Wednesday: Pass It

Friday: Hand in Home Learning and Home Reading for those children who have books to read.

Please pray for those families who are grieving the loss of a loved one. Also for those who are going through hardships.

We have been deeply saddened to hear of the sudden death this weekend of Alistair Deakin, beloved husband of Louise on our teaching staff and father of their two daughters Robyn and Samantha. Please keep Louise and her family in your prayers at this very sad time. We will pass on information about Alistair's funeral as it becomes available

RE and portfolios due back ASAP please!

Myspace Generators & Toys

Tuesday 13 August 2013

Golden Time this week

Hi everyone! The class have voted for their Golden time for this term. Please check out the tab!
This week it is ' Wheels' so please bring in your wheels of preference! If you bring your bike in, you need to bring in your helmet!

Forgot to add, if you haven't brought your RE and portfolios back, please do so ASAP.

Sunday 11 August 2013

Week 3

Hi everybody! I can't believe how quickly time has flown by! It's getting pretty scary!

Here's what's happening this week!

Monday: Library don't forget your books to return.

Tuesday: We will be starting our topic " Dream" classes. These will take place on tuesdays and Wednesdays for the next few weeks.

Wednesday: Pass It. Hopefully the instructors will be in today! Bring in your runners!

Thursday: Assumption Liturgy in the morning at 10am. All are welcome!

Friday: Golden Time. We haven't decided on Golden Time activities this term, perhaps you can have a think and write some ideas down.

Class Reading challenge: Room 7 is taking part in a timed reading challenge, where they will be keeping track of how much time they read in class. For every 10 minutes they will get to graph how much time they have read for the day/ block and put this on our class chart. The goal for the term is to read "10,500" minutes this term. If all children read at least 10 minutes a day we can do it!! Mrs Waititi will be treating the class with an " Ice cream" afternoon when the goal has been achieved! Please encourage you child to take part in this and ask them every now and then how much time they have contributed to the class chart for a particular day!

Have a great week everybody!

Sunday 4 August 2013

Week 2 Term 3

Isn't it wonderful to feel the weather getting warmer!
Here's whats happening this week!

Tuesday and Thurday: Parent Interviews from 3-6pm. Please make a booking

2)Book School Interviews
3)St Marys Event Code: H5SQL
4) Follow Steps 1, 2, 3, to make your booking.

I would  also like to have your child sit with us during the interview so they can talk about how they are going!

Wednesday: Pass It. Children may bring in appropriate footwear if they wish.

Friday: Mary Mackillop School Mass at 9am. All are welcome. Home Learning Books due back.

Also from Week 3-8 children will be taking part in a particular topic activity of their choice.
Here are the options: Do you dream...
-to be a masterchef?
-to create music?
-to be an artist?
-to create fly fishes?
-to write a book? Have a think and you can tell me your top 2 choices that you would like to take part in!

Wednesday 31 July 2013

What does Good Learning Look Like?

Room 7 have a new class member, this is Harry. Here he is with Jorgia working very hard to complete a reading activity! This is what Good Learning Looks! Ka Pai you two!

Wednesday 24 July 2013

Welcome Back Everyone!

Hello everyone, I hope you all had a nice restful holiday! I know I definitely did, and I am very excited to see you all in the new term!
Just a few reminders about what will be happening in the first week!

Monday 29th July: This is a Teacher Only Day, so be sure to stay at home or have mum or dad organise a place for you to go if they are working!

Tuesday 30th July: School Starts! Yeeeeehaaaaaa! After morning tea there will be some ignition activities to get you excited about the concept we will be learning this term "Enterprise" Dream Big and Make it Happen! There will be a focus on inventors and inventions!

Friday: Portfolios, RE Learning Books and Mid Year Reports will be going out. Talk to your child as you look through their portfolios and RE books together. Talk about what they learned over the last 2 terms and praise them for their amazing efforts and what goals they would like to focus on next time. Portfolios and RE Learning Books are  due back in week 2.

Pens/ Pencils and Rulers: There are a few children who have run out of stationary to use in the class and were borrowing from others. Please ensure that they have these things to avoid any disruption to their  own and other's learning.

Myspace Picture Generator

A Message from Lina in Germany

Hi Mrs Waititi and Room 7,

I have lots of fun in Germany! 
In our first week we went to a castle in Celle and I was allowed to dress up as a queen. I had to put on some huge slippers to protect the old floor - it felt like ice skating! 
Afterwards we went on a horse coach around the old city centre and we had an ice cream with lots of sprinkles.
We had dinner in a very special restaurant and I even had a special children´s cocktail.
At the moment we are at Grandma and Grandpa´s house in Muenster and we are doing lots of biking.
I wish you all a lovely holiday and I´m looking forward to seeing you all again in August!

Lots of love from

Lina and family

Thanks Lina for the awesome photos! We are looking forward to seeing you when you get back!

Sunday 7 July 2013

Last Week of the term! Week 10!

We have had an absolutely amazing term! I want to congratulate everybody on all their wonderful learning! Here's whats happening! 

Monday: Library. I will be away today as I am spending time with my nan who is sick in hospital. Please pray for her. 

Tuesday: Hit It. Please bring in your PE Gear 

Wednesday: Hit It. Middle School " Sustainability' Celebration in the afternoon. All are invited! 

Thursday: Matariki Disco at 5pm

Friday: Last day of school. Please hand in Home Learning Books!

 Important Notice: There were notices about " Milk in Schools" Programme that needed to be returned and signed. Please send these back or give me a verbal thumbs up if you would like your child to receive free milk at school. 

Also...the first day of the term 3 is a Teacher Only day.

Thursday 4 July 2013

Wednesday 3 July 2013

Saturday 29 June 2013

Week 9....whoa!!

This week we remember " Maori Language" Week. Let's see if we can brush up on our Maori Language skills everybody!

Wednesday: We will be spending a whole day learning and being involved in Maori Language Activities. We will be going through lots rotations which will involve different activities such as storytelling, drama and weaving. Hit It will also be part of the programme, so can children please bring in their PE gear for this!

We are all getting tired as we draw nearer to the end of the term. However, we still need to remember the Golden Rules of the School particularly with being kind to others! Let's all make a conscientious effort Room 7 and see if we can display the Fruits of the Holy Spirit for the rest of the term!

Mrs Young would like you to bring in cereal boxes for headgear that will be made for our "Sustainability" Show next week!

Sunday 23 June 2013

Week 8! Jeepers Already!

Kia Ora koutou everybody! Getting mighty chilly!!

Monday: We are going to the Star Lab at the Museum from 9.45 to 11.05. 

Wednesday: School Photos. Please ensure your child is wearing a school jersey and their hair is tidy! Start practicing your beautiful smiles for the photos kiddliwinks!

Thursday 20 June 2013

Recycling Trip

Recycling Trip 20.6.13 on PhotoPeach
  Thank you to all the parents who came to help out!

Tuesday 18 June 2013

Anova's Birthday

Today it was Anova's birthday and she brought in a delicious birthday cake made by mum.
Happy Birthday Anova!

Sunday 16 June 2013

Week 7

Kia Ora every one! It sure was a wet weekend! I hope all those children involved in sport in the weekend had some great results!

Monday: Library

Wednesday: Class trip to the Recycling Centre at 10.30 to 12.30

Friday: Golden Time is a movie.

Sunday 9 June 2013

Week 6 already

Hello wonderful people!
What's on this week?

Monday: Kayse from our class will be representing the school performing in the Kapa Haka group.

Tuesday: Children involved in gymnastics (  they have all been notified) will be competing.

Wednesday: Lunch Time Disco. Please bring a gold coin and mufti if you wish to change at lunch time.

Later in the evening for all Pacific Island Parents, there is a fono ( meeting) held in the staffroom at 5.30pm.

Friday: Collection of home learning books.

Monday 3 June 2013

Week 5

Kia ora Everybody! Hope you all had a wonderful, restful long weekend. Am definitely feeling the chill of winter coming! We have a short week this week! With Monday off we did miss out on our library session, but the library is open at lunch time on Tuesday and Thursday, so if you wish to change your book, you can do it on these days on your lunch break! I have added an email notification feature for any parents who would like to be notified every time  a post has been made.

 Wednesday:Cross Country for our school representatives. Good luck to Lina and Cailyn from our class who are running! 

Thursday:Digital Citizenship Parent Meeting 6.30 to 7.30. All parents are welcome.

 Friday: Sacred Heart of Jesus Mass at 9am.

 Check Out the secret message below with the magnifying glass

Myspace Message Generators

Wednesday 29 May 2013


Today we farewell a popular member of our class. He made our lessons fun, lively and musical.

George broke his neck today. He was getting too old he couldn't stand straight, and fell over when leaning on the piano for support.
You will surely be missed!

Reduce reuse recycle

These are some amazing projects from Cailyn,anova,lina and luuk.

Sunday 26 May 2013

Week 4

Hello everyone! Another short week for us! Here's what's happening

Wednesday: Room 1 are selling ice creams, $1 for a scoop. If you have change to spare bring it in to help them fundraise for a class trip!

Thursday: Home Learning to be handed in. I am so excite to see what you have done at home!
Also to those children who do home reading, please make sure you bring this in so your books can be changed for next week.

Friday: You have all been absolutely amazing that I've decided you can have the day off !
Teacher Only Day.

Please pray for the family of Mrs Donovan, who passed away last night. Also keep on your prayers the Chapman family!

Have an awesome week!

Sunday 19 May 2013

Disco this Wednesday

The lunch time disco unfortunately has been postponed till June 12th!
I will remind the students in class as well!

Saturday 18 May 2013

Week 3!

Hi Everyone! Thank you to all those who were able to provide cakes and treats for our cake stall last week. We made over $300. Your support is much appreciated!
What a wet weekend it was! Great to snuggle up in warm blankets and drink hot chocolates! Here is what's on this week!

Monday: Library
Tuesday: ICAS computer exam held in the hall. For any students who are taking part in this, times will be confirmed soon!
Wednesday: St Vincent de Paul lunch time disco. Gold coin donations. You can bring in your mufti to wear at the disco.
Thursday: Teacher Only Day.
Friday: Mufti Day. Please bring in a gold coin as funds will go to a young child with a brain tumor.

Thursday 16 May 2013

Saturday 11 May 2013

Confirmation and Holy Communion

Week 2 Term 2

Hello awesome children! First and foremost, a big congratulations to those children who had their Confirmation and First Holy Communion this weekend! You all looked absolutely stunning! 
And to all the Mother's out there, I hope you had a wonderful, restful Mothers day today!
We have a busy week ahead of us! Here's what's happening!

Monday: Library

Wednesday: Cross Country. Children will need to come to school first as this will now take place at 12.30. Please make sure you have your PE Gear, a drink bottle and a rain jacket, just in case the weather isn't so nice.

Thursday: Rm 6,7,8 cake stall. Please please please bring in some treats for us to sell. We are trying to fundraise for all year 3/4 children to attend Star lab, which is at the Museum.

Friday: Pentecost Mass at 9am. Also Home Learning is due.
Golden Time for this week is.....check out the Golden Time tab!

Almost forgot...please start bringing in soft drink bottles ( 2Litres) for some garden art this term!

Lina's amazing autumn photo!

Lina created a wonderful piece of work depicting Autumn! Fabulous job Lina!

Thursday 9 May 2013

Tuesday 7 May 2013

Cailyn's Autumn Picture for Home Learning!

Painting from nanna of an autumn day. 

Bridge building comp

Some children read a story called " the impossible bridge" and made their own bridge. Here are some pics of the competition.
It was pretty tricky getting the things to balance on them!

Saturday 4 May 2013

Week 1 Term 2

Hello everybody! I hope you all have had a restful holiday! That two weeks sure knows how to come round pretty quickly! I am very excited to see you all on the first day of school.
Things to know for this week/ term: You will find a lot of the information in the parent newsletter I hand out on Monday. For those who don't get it, it can also be found on this blog in the " Parent Information" tab. Please check it out!
As our concept is " Sustainability" we will be doing our best to show how well we can be fantastic caretakers of God's creation.
For Art this term we are looking at creating some amazing artwork using recycled materials. If you have soft drink 1.5 litre bottles that you have finished using, please give them a clean and bring them into school.

Sunday 14 April 2013

Week 12

Wow our final week of the term!

Thursday: Rm 14/15 are having a cake stall. Bring some money in to buy something! They are fundraising to go on a trip.

The only notice for this week is with regards to our Golden Time on Friday. We are having a teddy bears picnic. Please bring one plate of food to share for our picnic and you teddy!
Home Learning books will be collected this Friday also. Do encourage your child to hand this in too.

Thank you to all parents who made it to the working bee on Saturday!

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Jorgia's shark

Jorgia's dad sent us a photo of the shark that Jorgia caught over the weekend! Very freaky!

Sunday 7 April 2013

Week 11

Here's what's happening this week!

Swimming is now over for the term so children can keep their swimming gear at home!
Thank you to the children who put in the effort to complete their home learning tasks!
I did only get 9 books out of the 29 in our class! Come on Rm 7, let's see some more books handed in next week!

Wednesday: Middle School teachers are running a Reading evening for parents to attend.
Friday: Assembly. We are leading the school assembly so will be great to see parents come along. Assembly is at 11am.

Saturday: School working bee from 8 to noon. If you are free, please come along and help with this.

Thursday 4 April 2013

Reading Evening for Parents

Middle school teachers will be holding a reading information evening on Wednesday 10 April from 5.30 - 6.00pm. At this meeting, we aim to give parents tips and advice on how to help their child read at home. This meeting is especially beneficial for parents who have a child that finds reading challenging.
Parents who come may leave with some goodies!

Anova's Praying Mantis

 Very impressive Anova!
Room 7 children definitely have some talent when it comes to photography skills!

Annalieses beautiful butterfly

This is absolutely stunning! Love the vibrant colours in this one! Way to go Annaliese!

Wednesday 3 April 2013

Mikko's Spider

Mikko is much much braver than Mrs Waititi, I could never hold a spider as big as that in my hand!

Tuesday 2 April 2013

Tharuki's Pics

 Well Done Tharuki on your cool pictures!

Luuk's Insect PIcs

Luuk's cool Insect Pictures:
Message: "Its Luuk here. I took a photo of a spider and his web. He was in our garage. He has some other insects caught in his web. I think they look scary."

Week 10

We are swimming everyday this week. Please bring your togs.

Wednesday: Resurrection Liturgy.


Friday: Home Learning to be collected. All books collected gets dojo points!
Come On Room 7 You can do it!

Fantastic Effort on the photos!! Keep them coming!

Gathering information

Today we've learnt to see what is the most favourite thing and the most less most favourite thing in our class.Jordyn