Sunday 15 September 2013

Week 8

Hello Everyone! Weren't we lucky to have beautiful weather over the weekend! Definitely better than what we got during the week! The sherbet was a hit on Friday!
Here's what's on!

Monday: Libray. Poetry Recital Starts!
Tuesday/ Wednesday: Dream Classes and Poetry Recitals on both days also
Friday: Home Learning Due and Golden Time. We are making slushies, I am happy to bring in the ice, if you would like to have fruit in yours please bring this in chopped up ( might also be good if it was frozen), or a packet of raro/ refresh. Does  anyone have a blender we can borrow?

Next week Rm 7 are on assembly on Friday, you are welcome to see our performance.
Next Thursday is our school disco, which will mark the term coming to an end.
Also Middle School Sharing Time will take place next Wednesday. Details to follow.

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