Home Learning

Week 7 and 8

Check out the photos tab for the wonderful pictures some children managed to send to me! I absolutely love them! Thank you also to the children who have added to our wallwisher below. You are amazing.

Writing/ Topic:
Write about what you have learnt about the sasa ( the samoan drum dance). Include these words into your work:
Body, parts, energy, space, time ( timing), focus, speed, rhythm, sequence.

Reading: Read and read and read for 20 mins or more every night. 

Fun Stuff
Check out these pictures and tell me how you think they did them.
If you get the chance, try to take some of your own pictures and send them to me. We might even try to do some of them at school!

Maths: Practice your basic facts and times tables as I will be giving you an assessment this week.

Week 5 and 6
Check out the answers below for our brainteasers, they were pretty tricky!

A synonym is a word that has the same meaning as another. Write down 5 words and some synonyms for them.

RE: In RE we are learning about grief and death of loved ones. What kinds of things do we do to help us remember our loved ones?

An array is a good tool that helps us with our times tables. Draw an array for these times table problems.1) 5x4 2) 2x10  3) 3x6  4) 7x2  5) 8x3

Fun: Using fruit and vegetables Only, create a picture/ symbol and take a photo to email to me. 

 this is an example.

Writing: Describe this image. You may want to use a show but not tell.

Week 3 and 4

Reading: In your home learning book, I want you to explain what you should do when you come to a word that you don't know. How are you going to find out the meaning? We have learnt a few tips in class all ready!!

Topic: SYMBOLISM, how many small words can you find in this word!

Can you write as many words as you can with the prefix( beginning) un-, and the suffix (ending) -ism. Choose 5 of your words and put them into a sentence.

Fun: Try out these brain teasers!

1) What goes up but never comes down? Your age
2)What grows down while it grows up? A Duck ( down being the ducklings feathers)
3)What is yours to own, yet others use it more? Your name
4)I travel around the world but never leave the corner. What am I? A Stamp
5)What starts with a P and ends with an E and has a thousand letters in it? Post office
6)I'm as light as a feather yet an average man can't hold me more than one minute. What am I?
Breath RE: Write a prayer for those who are going through hardships.

Term 4 Weeks 1 and 2
Sorry this is late, I had internet problems trying to save this, but have now managed to retrieve the tasks!

Reading: Read and read and read. We should all know by now that the best way to be a better reader is by doing lots of practice. 15 to 20 minutes a night is ideal.

Maths: Who knows their x2, x5 and x10 tables off by heart?  If you do, try your x3, x4 also. I am planning to have a class competition on timetables so lots of practice kiddlywinks!

Topic/ Writing: Find 10 symbols around your house. Draw a picture of them and write down what they stand for.

Can you create a symbol for these: hot, cold, happiness, sadness, time, baking.

Spelling: I will be doing more spelling this term on the essential spelling list. Your child will write down their spelling words as well as other topic words, and if correct they will move to another list.
For weeks 1 and 2, I would like you to put your words into a sentence.

Week 7 and 8

Awesome work to those children who handed in their Home Learning books!

RE/ Writing: I found out last week that some children are a little bit confused between Mary the Mother of Jesus and Mary Mackillop. So your task for Home Learning is to draw a picture of the 2 Marys', write down some similarities and differences between the two.

Topic/ Enterprise:
Make a word find based on being enterprising.( word examples: persistent, invent, creative, solve etc)

Maths: Some children have brought home a times tables poster. Practice/ Rote learn some of these.

Also practice some time: O'clocks, half past, quarter past/ to...what does the digital time look like?

Reading: Practice you poems. Lots and lots of reading too! Most children should be reading 15 to 20 minutes a night!

Writing: Give 3 examples of
- adjectives
- onomatopoeia

We have filled out a whole reading chart so far. Come on Room 7, I want to get you ice cream!

Week 5 and 6
I was very impressed with the standard of the posters and presentation of inventions that were handed in this week. I might make it a class task for those children who didn't get to do it for home learning.

Choose a short poem ( this can be one that has already been written, or one made up by yourself) not a nursery rhyme..
 Write it into your home learning book. Practice reciting/ memorising your poem for the poetry competition in Week 8.

-Great expression in your voice to capture the listener.
-standing with good posture.( gestures, or use of hands is optional)
-project your voice so the listener can her you.
-poem to be read from memory.

Try some of the "time" activities that have been set on

Religious Education/ writing/ art:
Draw a picture of Jesus and his disciples into your home learning.

write these words in a sentence: believe, believer, belief, disbelieve, believing, unbelievable.

Reading: try some reading out loud to help with our fluency.
Our reading chart is looking fantastic... keep up with the reading everyone!

Week 3 and 4

Well done to all those children who got their Home Learning Books into me last Friday.  Also to those who added to the wall wisher below with your wonderful little words!
You will be working on a project over the next few weeks.

I want you to make a poster/ display on something that has been invented. ( eg: a pen, camera, gumboot, bobby pin, a particular toy etc.)

In your project I would like to see
1)Some information about the invention
2)why it was made/ invented
3)Some information on the person who invented it.
4)pictures/ photos of the invention
5)lots of creativity

Place Value:How many groups of tens and ones are there in the number...
- 45, 22, 70, 88, 61, 38, 96.
Extra for experts: How many groups of hundreds, tens and ones are there in the number...
- 254, 782, 220, 105, 899, 743

Reading: Read for 15 mins a night. Try and read out loud to help with your fluency twice a week.

Writing: Write some similes for sand, tissues, a tyre, the road, a carrot.

Term 3 Week 1 and 2

Word Mining.

Writing: Write a story on what you would like to be when you grow up.
Make sure you answer these questions.
1) Why do you want to be this?
2) Who inspired you to do this?
3) What qualities do you need to do this?

R.E/ Writing

Write a prayer of thanks, a prayer of forgiveness and a prayer to bless someone.

Maths: Practice your 2x, 5x, 10x tables. If that's too easy, try your 3x and 4 x tables too.

Reading: Make sure you read at least 20 mins a night. Read and read and read and read and read and read and read and read and read and read and read and read and read and read and read and read and read and read and read and read and read and read and read. Hehe

Week 9 and 10

Maori/ RE Listen to the song and try to learn the tune.

Learn these maori Words which are kind comments
Tino Pai: Great Stuff
Tino Pai rawa atu: Excellent
Ka Rawe: Lovely
Miharo: WOnderful
Ka Mau te wehi: Awesome
Ataahua: Beautiful.

Writing: Tell me about what enjoyed the most about this term and why.

Leave a comment on another class blog!

Fun: With our frosty mornings, thought it might be great to get some photos emailed to display "Winter".

Maths: Practice your x2, x5 and x10 tables.

Week 7 and 8

Add to the wall wisher.

Maths: What is the Perimeter? The perimeter is the outside of a shape. It is all the lengths added.
What is the perimeter of...
1) A square where one side is 5m

2) A rectangle where one long side is 5m and the one short side is 2m

3)A square where one side is 4m

Create your own shape and show us how you work out the perimeter.

Also check out Sumdog. You don't need to login, as the school needs a subscription for this. WHen you click on play, a login will come up, press on ' play as a guest' which is written in blue. his is a good website for maths.

Write down/ type the words to your most favourite song.

Topic: Make a list of things that we use today that come from a natural resource.

eg: paper and cardboard comes from trees which is a natural resource.

Reading: Read and Read and Read for at least 15 minutes a day!

Week 5 and 6

Well done to those children who got creative and made some wonderful things out of recycled materials!


We have been learning how to round off to the nearest ten.
Write these numbers into your book and round them off to the nearest 10
1) 28   2) 42  3) 12  4) 79  5) 66  6) 31  7) 55  8) 19  9) 93  10) 77

Try this website
freerice.com You don't need to login, click on a subject and get ready to go. Each answer that's correct, earns grains of rice to go to children in poor countries.

In your home learning book, write all the ways you and your family help with our environment whether it be through reusing, reducing or recycling.

Draw a picture of 4 ways we can reuse newspaper

Religious Education: We are learning about the fruits of the Holy Spirit. Write down what all the fruits of the Holy Spirit are and create a poster/ picture in your home learning to display these fruits.

Week 3 and 4

It is wonderful to see children adding to our wallwisher! Ka Pai Children! Fantastic work to those children who got their home learning in on Friday. These children get 2 ticks on our home learning board.

I have set more tasks on Study Ladder. Do give them a try.

Writing and Topic:
Get your artistic juices flowing and create something really amazing by reusing cardboard boxes, or plastic bottles, or cans. In your home learning book write down what you have created, and what you are going to use it for.

Reading: Find 2 advertisements ( ads) in the newspaper/ magazines. Glue them into our home learning book.
Answer these questions about the ads.
1) What is being sold?
2) What do you like/ don't like about the ad?
3) Any interesting words that you found?

Week 1 and 2 Term 2

The word of the week is: SUSTAIN

In your home Learning book write:
1) the meaning of the word
2)a sentence with the word in it.

Physical Education: Do some running around the outside of your house, or in our backyard as part of your training for the cross country next week.

Which pet is better? Dog or Cat? Choose one of these animals and state with 3 or 4 reasons which is better.

Can you figure out these maths problems?

1) What comes next in the pattern: 2, 4, 6, __, __,__
What would be the tenth number in that pattern?

2) What comes next in the pattern? f, g, h, __, ___, ___
What would be the tenth letter in that pattern?

3) What comes next? banana, pear, apple, grape, banana, pear, _______, ________, ______
What would be the tenth fruit in that pattern?

Take a photo of something that best fits " Autumn".
Then email it to me( tai@stmarys.rotorua.school.nz)  and I will put it onto the blog!

Week 11 and 12

Maths: Collect some data on a particular subject ( eg: favourite fruit, music, number of people in family, colour of cars going past your house), make up a table and survey some people on your subject. Remember to use tally marks.

Writing: Write about what dogs and cats have in common and the differences.

Reading: Make a book report on a book you have just read. Include these headings:
- Title and Author
-A brief statement of what the book was about.
-Did you like/ dislike the story? Why?
-Picture of the main character.

Singing: Practice our assembly song/s.

Art: Draw a picture of your hand, and for each finger write 5 things you have learned/ enjoyed in Term 1.

Week 9 and 10 ( Due at the end of week 10)

Spelling: Check out some of the slideshows on the Spelling Tab. Practice your spelling as I will test you at the end of week 10.

Writing: Write at least 2 comments ( on the blog) on the Home page.

Imagine you are the ant!  Write a fictional story that can go with this picture.

Fun: take a photo of an insect/s in your backyard. Email it to Mrs W. ( tai@stmarys.rotorua.school.nz) and she will put it onto the blog.

Find something that interests you in the newspaper. Cut it out and glue it into your Home learning.
Write a short statement about what it was about.

RE: Write 3 facts about our new Pope Francis.

Reading: Hopefully we are getting our reading log filled. Keep your reading up!!

Term 1 Week 7 and 8

Thank you for all your wonderful posters you created and handed in.

Sheets are coming home for children who have yet to complete their " All about Me" pages for our class book. Please work on these.

Writing/ Topic : Write 5 interesting facts about your favourite insect. Looks, lives etc.

RE: Draw a picture in your home learning book of the Last Supper. Also think about the promises that you wrote for Lent. 

Brain Teasers: Write these into your book and answer them.
1) What has a face and two hands but no arms or legs?
2) What has a neck but no head?
3) What begins with T, ends with T and has T in it?

Fun: Write down 5 of the funniest jokes you have ever heard.

Maths: What do these stand for? km, m, cm, mm. What would you measure with these units?

I will set more study ladder tasks, so keep checking this.

Reading: Read and Read and Read! This is the best way to become a better reader!

Check out some other class blogs here! See what they have been learning.

Term 1 Week 5 and 6

After some wonderful feedback from parents at the interviews, it has been decided that home learning books will be collected every 2 weeks. This will cater to those children who have many after school commitments and find it difficult to complete home learning within that week. Collecting the books fortnightly will ensure that there is ample time to complete activities to a high standard too ( there is even a weekend)! All home learning books will be collected on even weeks ( our swimming weeks)

Spot the difference. Write down the 5 differences in the picture. The first I have done for you.


1) The Smurf's eyes are looking in different directions.

Topic: Communities: Create a poster about someone in our local community. State what their jobs are and why they are so important. What would happen if that person was not in our community? Be as creative as you want. I am happy to give out paper for those that don't have any at home.

Maths: Try out some of the new maths links on the blog.

Try out some of the study ladder  tasks too ( Passwords will be sent home with your child on Monday)

Reading: Read and Read and Read ( 15 to 20 mins a night)

Here's something fun you can try for reading.

Random Words
You need a book . Open your book to page 3, count down to line 5 and then along to the 3rd word. You must now quickly write a sentence using the word, underlining the word.
Try again for page 8, line 9, word 6
Try again for page 12, line 2, word 7
Extra challenge can you write a sentence using all three words.

( Try this for at least 2 books)

Term 1 Week 3


Created with Wallwisher

Writing: The Capital Catcher and the Full Stop Thief have taken all the capitals and fullstops away. Please write out the story below with all the correct capitals and fullstops in place.

the weather in the weekend was absolutely amazing i really enjoyed spending some time in the garden and playing cricket with two of my children joseph and kennedy jane i'm quite sure they enjoyed it too i am looking forward to getting back to work at st mary's school on monday


Using a ruler, measure these things and write your results into your home learning book.
1)  the longest side of a photo frame in your house.
2) the shortest side of your fridge.
3) the longest side of your lunch box.

Reading: Read and Read and Read! 15 to 20 mins a day

Term 1 Week 2

Write the names of 3 people in our School Community.
State what their jobs are and why their job is important to our school.

There will be a class " All about Me" book coming round to help me to get the know the children better. Please have ready: some family photos and photos of things they enjoy doing. One child will bring home the book to fill in for the night, the goal is to have one page filled each day.

RE/ Maori/ Music: Listen and try to learn to sing this song.

And last but not least, Read and Read and Read. This is the best way for your child to become a better reader!

1 comment:

  1. I cant wait till the poem competition its going to be fun but also frighting I beat that everyone will be nerves because its next week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cant wait to shier my poem but i am a bit scared.

    By Jaime
