Saturday 2 November 2013

Week 4

Quite a few notices for this week everyone!
First of all everyone is expected to be in full summer uniform now, and wearing sun hats during morning tea and lunch is compulsory. Please ensure your child is in full school uniform, shoes especially. Not hat means no play out in the sun.

Monday: Library

Tuesday: Andrew Chin ( a very talented singer/ musician) is coming in to work with the children. At 6.30 to 7.30 there will be a concert in the church. All children need to come in school uniform, everyone will be part of the performance. It will be amazing!

Friday: Home Learning is Due as well as home reading.
Please bring in a piece of fruit or a raw edible vegetable ( carrot, celery) which will be chopped up to be put on platters for everyone to enjoy on this day!

If your child is feeling too unwell to come to school please keep them at home. This will lessen the chances of germs spreading.

Secret Task: First 5 children to say synonym x3 will receive a surprise!

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