Sunday 17 November 2013

Week 6

Hi everyone!  We had an amazing week last week particularly with getting our costumes organised for Character Day. Rm 7 also did a fantastic job performing at Grandparents mass! Lots of positive comments! Well Done!
Just a reminder:
-Could you please make sure children are coming to school with hats! No hat, no play out in the sun!
-Also a few children lost Golden Time due to being silly in class. Please have a talk to your children and remind them about the importance of coming to school ready for learning. Their behaviour is affecting theirs and others learning!

Monday: Library
Tuesday: Athletics Training( Bring in PE gear)
Wednesday: Athletics Training ( Bring in PE gear)
Thursday: Home Learning and Home reading are DUE because of athletics on Friday.
Friday: Athletics Day. I will post more information as soon as we are given it.

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