Sunday 7 July 2013

Last Week of the term! Week 10!

We have had an absolutely amazing term! I want to congratulate everybody on all their wonderful learning! Here's whats happening! 

Monday: Library. I will be away today as I am spending time with my nan who is sick in hospital. Please pray for her. 

Tuesday: Hit It. Please bring in your PE Gear 

Wednesday: Hit It. Middle School " Sustainability' Celebration in the afternoon. All are invited! 

Thursday: Matariki Disco at 5pm

Friday: Last day of school. Please hand in Home Learning Books!

 Important Notice: There were notices about " Milk in Schools" Programme that needed to be returned and signed. Please send these back or give me a verbal thumbs up if you would like your child to receive free milk at school. 

Also...the first day of the term 3 is a Teacher Only day.

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