Saturday 30 November 2013

Week 8

Hello all!
Not a lot happening in middle school this week.
We have one person in our class who will be receiving an award for having 100% attendance this year at school. Congratulations Gabriel.
Also to two children in our class who made it to Interschool Athletics. We wish you luck Polly and Harry.

Monday: Visiting the mobile library at school. There are 5 children who still need to return their library book. Please bring these back as Mrs O'Leary is starting stocktake!
Friday: Home learning, Home Reading are due. Golden time.

Saturday 23 November 2013

Week 7 Already!

Hello everybody! Thank you to all the parents who were able to help out with athletics last Friday. It was a very exciting day. Well done to those children who got placings in their events too!
I will be giving children portfolio assessment over the next few weeks. The reading results are looking good for most of the class. Just a few children who need to make sure they read as often as possible.

We have swimming on all week, so please make sure you bring your swimming gear in.

Monday: Library. No more issuing as Mrs O'Leary needs to do a stocktake.  So could all books be returned immediately.
We also wish our Kapa Haka Ahurei performers lots of luck, as they will be performing on this night.

Tuesday: Consultation with Indian community Meeting at 6pm.

Wednesday: Singing Practice.

Friday: Golden Time.

Sunday 17 November 2013


This week the school is hosting some community meetings.  The discussion will be on some aspects of our Charter and planned E-learning developments for the school for next year.  The meetings will be held in Room 15 and are scheduled for:

Wednesday 20 November         

General Meeting     3.15 pm 
Whanau Group       5.30 pm  

Thursday 21 November             

 General Meeting     8.45 am (meeting in Hall)          
 Filipino Community  3.15 pm
 Pasifika Fono         5.30 pm
 General Meeting    7.00pm

Tuesday 26  November             
 Indian Community   6.30 pm

Anyone is welcome to attend any meeting time slot that suits. The same content will be presented at each meeting. It would be good if everyone could try to come to a meeting -  particularly parents of children who are currently in Year 2 or 3.  This is because the school is planning to allow students in Year 3/4 in 2014 to bring a Chromebook to school if they wish (probably from start of Term 2).

Week 6

Hi everyone!  We had an amazing week last week particularly with getting our costumes organised for Character Day. Rm 7 also did a fantastic job performing at Grandparents mass! Lots of positive comments! Well Done!
Just a reminder:
-Could you please make sure children are coming to school with hats! No hat, no play out in the sun!
-Also a few children lost Golden Time due to being silly in class. Please have a talk to your children and remind them about the importance of coming to school ready for learning. Their behaviour is affecting theirs and others learning!

Monday: Library
Tuesday: Athletics Training( Bring in PE gear)
Wednesday: Athletics Training ( Bring in PE gear)
Thursday: Home Learning and Home reading are DUE because of athletics on Friday.
Friday: Athletics Day. I will post more information as soon as we are given it.

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Our Character Extravaganza

We had an awesome day dressing up as " Where's Wally/ Wendy". Alot of teachers commented that we should get the best class award! Crossing our fingers!!

All The Wendy's

All the Wally's

Monday 11 November 2013

Cool New Photos!

Check out the photos tab for some cool new pics taken by kids from our class!

Sunday 10 November 2013

Saturday 9 November 2013

Week 5

Hi everyone! We are getting close to the middle of the term! Where has all our time gone?
Please remember these things to bring in for this weeks Book Character Day: Old white t shirt that we can paint. Our plan for this Thursday's exciting day is to all be dressed up as the " Where's Wally/ Wendy?" Characters. I'm hoping we can get the best class award. Yes Mrs Waititi will be dressing up too!!
Swimming this week also, so please bring in your togs!Sun hats are a must in this warm weather also! 
Monday: Library/ Athletics Training ( Bring in PE gear)
Tuesday: Athletics training ( Bring in PE Gear)
Thursday: Book Character Day. Don't forget to wear some jeans, or blue on the bottom. Bring in a gold coin donation. Funds go towards a Christmas dinner for the less fortunate.
Friday: Grandparents Day Mass at 9am and entertainment at 11am after morning tea.

Secret task: Tell me the name of the teacher that recently posted on a wallwisher task and how many pet fish we have on our page. Must have both answers. Remember it's a secret!

Monday 4 November 2013

Popplet on the ipads

A few children have made a popplet to help them with tricky/ unknown words that come up in their stories. They had to guess what the word meant by looking around the word for clues then they had to find out for themselves.

Special Visitor

Andrew Chin in the House! on PhotoPeach

Saturday 2 November 2013

Week 4

Quite a few notices for this week everyone!
First of all everyone is expected to be in full summer uniform now, and wearing sun hats during morning tea and lunch is compulsory. Please ensure your child is in full school uniform, shoes especially. Not hat means no play out in the sun.

Monday: Library

Tuesday: Andrew Chin ( a very talented singer/ musician) is coming in to work with the children. At 6.30 to 7.30 there will be a concert in the church. All children need to come in school uniform, everyone will be part of the performance. It will be amazing!

Friday: Home Learning is Due as well as home reading.
Please bring in a piece of fruit or a raw edible vegetable ( carrot, celery) which will be chopped up to be put on platters for everyone to enjoy on this day!

If your child is feeling too unwell to come to school please keep them at home. This will lessen the chances of germs spreading.

Secret Task: First 5 children to say synonym x3 will receive a surprise!