Wednesday 31 July 2013

What does Good Learning Look Like?

Room 7 have a new class member, this is Harry. Here he is with Jorgia working very hard to complete a reading activity! This is what Good Learning Looks! Ka Pai you two!

Wednesday 24 July 2013

Welcome Back Everyone!

Hello everyone, I hope you all had a nice restful holiday! I know I definitely did, and I am very excited to see you all in the new term!
Just a few reminders about what will be happening in the first week!

Monday 29th July: This is a Teacher Only Day, so be sure to stay at home or have mum or dad organise a place for you to go if they are working!

Tuesday 30th July: School Starts! Yeeeeehaaaaaa! After morning tea there will be some ignition activities to get you excited about the concept we will be learning this term "Enterprise" Dream Big and Make it Happen! There will be a focus on inventors and inventions!

Friday: Portfolios, RE Learning Books and Mid Year Reports will be going out. Talk to your child as you look through their portfolios and RE books together. Talk about what they learned over the last 2 terms and praise them for their amazing efforts and what goals they would like to focus on next time. Portfolios and RE Learning Books are  due back in week 2.

Pens/ Pencils and Rulers: There are a few children who have run out of stationary to use in the class and were borrowing from others. Please ensure that they have these things to avoid any disruption to their  own and other's learning.

Myspace Picture Generator

A Message from Lina in Germany

Hi Mrs Waititi and Room 7,

I have lots of fun in Germany! 
In our first week we went to a castle in Celle and I was allowed to dress up as a queen. I had to put on some huge slippers to protect the old floor - it felt like ice skating! 
Afterwards we went on a horse coach around the old city centre and we had an ice cream with lots of sprinkles.
We had dinner in a very special restaurant and I even had a special children´s cocktail.
At the moment we are at Grandma and Grandpa´s house in Muenster and we are doing lots of biking.
I wish you all a lovely holiday and I´m looking forward to seeing you all again in August!

Lots of love from

Lina and family

Thanks Lina for the awesome photos! We are looking forward to seeing you when you get back!

Sunday 7 July 2013

Last Week of the term! Week 10!

We have had an absolutely amazing term! I want to congratulate everybody on all their wonderful learning! Here's whats happening! 

Monday: Library. I will be away today as I am spending time with my nan who is sick in hospital. Please pray for her. 

Tuesday: Hit It. Please bring in your PE Gear 

Wednesday: Hit It. Middle School " Sustainability' Celebration in the afternoon. All are invited! 

Thursday: Matariki Disco at 5pm

Friday: Last day of school. Please hand in Home Learning Books!

 Important Notice: There were notices about " Milk in Schools" Programme that needed to be returned and signed. Please send these back or give me a verbal thumbs up if you would like your child to receive free milk at school. 

Also...the first day of the term 3 is a Teacher Only day.

Thursday 4 July 2013

Wednesday 3 July 2013