Tuesday 24 September 2013

Enterprise Song

This is the song that was made by all the students that took part in dream classes. Some children sang, rapped, said a poem and played instruments via garageband on the ipads! So everyone has had some kind of contribution to the song!

Saturday 21 September 2013

Week 9

This is our final week for the term!
Lots of exciting things happening this week!

Monday: Children are getting their beautiful voices recorded for the Gabriel's Presence CD.
Last Dream Class session.

Wednesday: Poetry Finals at 11am in the hall as well as some sharing time to show what the children have done in their dream classes.

Friday: Last day of school. Golden Time. We are making waffles. You can bring in your favourite topping!
 We are also hosting assembly. Do come if you get the chance. Assembly is at 2.00 pm.

Home Reading is Due!

Thursday 19 September 2013

Calendar Art

Hi everyone, check out the awesome calendar art we have produced!
Orders can be placed at the office, just say your child's name and their class and what you would like to order! This is not compulsory. I will get a copy of your child's art for their portfolios too! If you are stuck for christmas presents for family, this might be the way to go.

Calendar Art on PhotoPeach

Sunday 15 September 2013

Week 8

Hello Everyone! Weren't we lucky to have beautiful weather over the weekend! Definitely better than what we got during the week! The sherbet was a hit on Friday!
Here's what's on!

Monday: Libray. Poetry Recital Starts!
Tuesday/ Wednesday: Dream Classes and Poetry Recitals on both days also
Friday: Home Learning Due and Golden Time. We are making slushies, I am happy to bring in the ice, if you would like to have fruit in yours please bring this in chopped up ( might also be good if it was frozen), or a packet of raro/ refresh. Does  anyone have a blender we can borrow?

Next week Rm 7 are on assembly on Friday, you are welcome to see our performance.
Next Thursday is our school disco, which will mark the term coming to an end.
Also Middle School Sharing Time will take place next Wednesday. Details to follow.

Sunday 8 September 2013

Week 7

We have 3 more weeks of school for this term! That's crazy!

Here's whats on this week

Monday: Library

Tue and Wed: Dream Classes

Fri: Golden Time, we're making sherbet...everyone on your best behaviour!

Reminder: Please bring in your Home Reading if you are on the programme! Also, the poetry competitions will be next week, so keep practicing your poems!

Thursday 5 September 2013

Church mosaics

These are some mosaics that we have been doing in the class for R.E.

St Mary's Birthday


We made these Mary Dioramas because it was Mary's birthday.o