Sunday 14 April 2013

Week 12

Wow our final week of the term!

Thursday: Rm 14/15 are having a cake stall. Bring some money in to buy something! They are fundraising to go on a trip.

The only notice for this week is with regards to our Golden Time on Friday. We are having a teddy bears picnic. Please bring one plate of food to share for our picnic and you teddy!
Home Learning books will be collected this Friday also. Do encourage your child to hand this in too.

Thank you to all parents who made it to the working bee on Saturday!

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Jorgia's shark

Jorgia's dad sent us a photo of the shark that Jorgia caught over the weekend! Very freaky!

Sunday 7 April 2013

Week 11

Here's what's happening this week!

Swimming is now over for the term so children can keep their swimming gear at home!
Thank you to the children who put in the effort to complete their home learning tasks!
I did only get 9 books out of the 29 in our class! Come on Rm 7, let's see some more books handed in next week!

Wednesday: Middle School teachers are running a Reading evening for parents to attend.
Friday: Assembly. We are leading the school assembly so will be great to see parents come along. Assembly is at 11am.

Saturday: School working bee from 8 to noon. If you are free, please come along and help with this.

Thursday 4 April 2013

Reading Evening for Parents

Middle school teachers will be holding a reading information evening on Wednesday 10 April from 5.30 - 6.00pm. At this meeting, we aim to give parents tips and advice on how to help their child read at home. This meeting is especially beneficial for parents who have a child that finds reading challenging.
Parents who come may leave with some goodies!

Anova's Praying Mantis

 Very impressive Anova!
Room 7 children definitely have some talent when it comes to photography skills!

Annalieses beautiful butterfly

This is absolutely stunning! Love the vibrant colours in this one! Way to go Annaliese!

Wednesday 3 April 2013

Mikko's Spider

Mikko is much much braver than Mrs Waititi, I could never hold a spider as big as that in my hand!

Tuesday 2 April 2013

Tharuki's Pics

 Well Done Tharuki on your cool pictures!

Luuk's Insect PIcs

Luuk's cool Insect Pictures:
Message: "Its Luuk here. I took a photo of a spider and his web. He was in our garage. He has some other insects caught in his web. I think they look scary."

Week 10

We are swimming everyday this week. Please bring your togs.

Wednesday: Resurrection Liturgy.


Friday: Home Learning to be collected. All books collected gets dojo points!
Come On Room 7 You can do it!

Fantastic Effort on the photos!! Keep them coming!

Gathering information

Today we've learnt to see what is the most favourite thing and the most less most favourite thing in our class.Jordyn