Thursday 28 March 2013

Look what the Easter bunny left for us!

We made some easter baskets today! When we left for lunch they were empty and when we came back they had goodies in them! Lucky us!

Here's wishing all the wonderful children in room 7 a fantastic Easter. See you on Wednesday!

Quinn's Pics

Amazing Pic by Quinn. First one is an adult passion vine hopper. The 2nd are the babies.

Wednesday 27 March 2013

Tegan the triathlete

At the wet- Bix triathlon there was 100s and 100s of kids and there was games also coffee and rugby players. There was this man who was called the wet-bix man you also can get breakfast there to it was wet-Bix I got a wet-Bix bag and a swimmer hat that you had to put on your head. By Tegan

Future Photographers

I truly do believe that we have some future photographers in our class. Great focus, clear pictures...I am very impressed children!

Lina Photos.


These are fantastic! Lina Says "Here are my insect photos. I loved taking photos because it was my first time doing it by myself. Also the insects kept flying away but then we got lots of photos and
I decided for four photos that I loved the most."

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Monday 25 March 2013

First insect photo (home learning task) by....

Cailyn!!!! What an amazing job Cailyn!!!
Keep the photos coming Room 7!

Sunday 24 March 2013

Week 9.

Hello everyone!
No Swimming this week!

Wednesday: Stations of the Cross Liturgy at 10am.

Friday: Good Friday, No School!

Thursday 21 March 2013

Donkey Parade

We had so much fun at the Donkey Parade today. We were so lucky to have Callum be Jesus coming in on the Donkey! He played the part really well! Donkey Parade on PhotoPeach

Easter Story

The children loved this clip so much they wanted me to put it on the blog!

Harold on Wedneday

Harold Again on PhotoPeach

Golden time Easter biscuits

We had so much fun making these biscuits. Thank you to Lizzie for all your work in getting these biscuits looking amazing!

Saturday 16 March 2013

Wow Week 8 already!

Hello everyone! Hope you have had a restful weekend. Here's what's happening this week!

Room 7 are swimming every day this week so don't forget your togs and towel! 

Easter is drawing near and this Friday we are making 2 Easter biscuits. One for ourselves and one to be given to those who need them. Please bring in $2 by Friday to pay for the ingredients. 

 Monday: Swimming

 Tuesday: Swimming. Library. 

 Wednesday: Swimming. Last visit with Harold. 

For those with children in the Junior School, the Junior Teachers are presenting a Reading evening for parents from 5 to 6pm. If you have never attended one of these, I highly recommend that you attend

Thursday: Swimming 

 Friday: Making Easter biscuits. Donkey Parade. Please start bringing in some Jesus clothes ( robes/ tea towel) for this wonderful event. 
Home Learning Books will be collected !!

Thursday 14 March 2013

Harold's Visit

Room 7 were very lucky to see Harold this week. They learnt about their feelings and that it is natural to have different kids of feeling in different situations. Life Education, Harold's Visit on PhotoPeach

Monday 11 March 2013

Geekforce Harlem Shake

These kids are hilarious! See if you can spot Room 7 representatives!

Sunday 10 March 2013

Week 7

Hello everyone.

Notices for this week

Monday: Swimming, Please bring your togs

Tuesday: Swimming

Wednesday: Swimming

Thursday: School Finishes at 12.30. Teachers are attending a Union Meeting.

Friday: St Joseph's Mass at 9am. All are welcome to attend.

Home Learning ( week 5 and 6 ) will be collected on Monday for those who have not yet completed it.

I will post home learning tomorrow as I have just returned from a tangi ( funeral).
I am looking forward to seeing all you beautiful children tomorrow.

Saturday 2 March 2013

Week 6

Hope everyone had a lovely weekend!
No swimming for Mon, Tue and Wed. We will have swimming next week on these days!
Here's what's happening this week!

 Mon: No Swimming ( Due to Swim It Programme)

 Tuesday: No Swimming. There is an information evening for all staff and parents on Religious Education. All parents are welcome. This will take place at 6pm. 

 Wednesday: No Swimming. Kick It. Bring PE Gear.

 Thursday: Swimming ( Bring your togs) Bring Home Learning Books to school as I will collect them on this day!

 Friday: Swimming Sports held at the Aquatic Centre! Come dressed in your house colours with lunch, togs, towel, hat and plenty to drink!

And the secret task for this week is..... do all actions for the bee/wasp game we have learnt and state each body part. in front of Mrs W. The first 6 children to do this will get a dojo point! Here are the names: antennae, thorax, abdomen, stinger, wings.

Golden Time Icing Biscuits

Golden Time Icing Biscuits on PhotoPeach

Kick It

Kick It on PhotoPeach We have bee learning some new skills for soccer. Some of the photos are sideways sorry!