Friday 22 February 2013

Week 5


Am very excited to be back in the class after having the week recovering.
A BIG welcome to Jorgia and Alo who started last week , you will have a wonderful time being part of our Rm 7 family!
Here's what happening this week:

Tuesday: Library
Wednesday: Kick It with Juan and Jo ( Bring your PE Gear)
Thursday: GALA at 4pm will be a blast!

NB: Home Learning will now be collected every 2 weeks ( see home learning tab for more information). I will collect them every even week ( same week as swimming).

Monday 18 February 2013

Mrs Waititi's bad eye!

Hello to all my wonderful students! I have been missing you all over the last few days! I spent all weekend, as you may already know with a really bad eye. It was quite difficult to open and it has taken nearly 4 whole days for me to start seeing through it. I have made several trips to the hospital, and the doctor has given me some good medicine to help me get better. My eye at the moment is very swollen and red, so to help it to get better faster I need to rest it as much as I can and keep up with the eyes drops. I hope to "see" you all very soon!

Monday 11 February 2013

Our awesome class!

Fantastic Room 7 on PhotoPeach And we will add Jorgia when she comes back to school next week! And to Georgia ( sorry I spelled it wrong in the sldeshow)

Sunday 10 February 2013

Secret tasks! Sshhh

To the first 5 children to say to me " Chips, chops and choices " 5 times, I will reward you with dojo points!!

Saturday 9 February 2013

Week 3 Term 1

Hello everyone! For all those that are not aware, there are parent interviews this week on Wednesday and Thursday after school. If you have not made a booking, here is the website the code you need to enter is Y5EXN. This will be an excellent chance for me to meet any new parents as well as discuss your child's learning goals for this year.

Here are the notices for this week!

Promises Ceremony at 12.00 in hall

Ash Wednesday Liturgy in the church at 10 am.
Kick It for Room 7 ( Please bring your PE Gear for this)

After School Parent Interviews.

After school Parent Interviews.