Saturday 14 December 2013

Final School Week

I really can't believe that we are in our last week for the year, 2 and half more days to go. I just want to say thank you  for all the support you have given to help your child with their learning. The children this year have been an amazing bunch of children and I have absolutely enjoyed every moment with them! I am quite saddened that I will not get any of you again next year. I am sure that whoever you have next year will be just as good! 
I wish you all a safe and happy christmas and a restful and well deserved holiday!

Monday: Class Disco from 9.30ish to farewell Quinn who will be leaving St Mary's to go to Wesbrook. All the best to you Quinn.

9ish:Singing Practice, 2.00: Meet your new teacher.

Tuesday: 9am Prizegiving. You will know if your child is receiving a prize this year from a note left in your child's report.

5.10: Children meet their teacher on the field before going into church. MASS IS AT 5.30PM Please come in school uniform.

Wednesday: 11.30 Missioning for Year 6 students
12 noon School ends!

Secret Task: Say to Mrs Waititi " My teacher is the best because..." and finish off the sentence. You will be rewarded with a great big HUG!!!!

Saturday 7 December 2013

Week 9

7 and half more days of school left everyone! Let's make them the best we've ever had! No homework will be set for these last days also! Just keep up with the reading. Swimming everyday this week so please bring your togs. 

Here's what's on this week.
Monday: Special Assembly at 11am to announce raffle winners. Singing Practice for End of year Mass. 

 Friday: Middle School Picnic. Please come in mufti and bring something for our shared lunch. Will need to be sun smart too so bring in some sunscreen, a sunhat, and fluids to drink.If you have any water guns to bring in that would be good also.

Shhhh Secret task: A special something for the first 6 children to say and complete this sentence: On the first day of christmas my true love gave to me...

Saturday 30 November 2013

Week 8

Hello all!
Not a lot happening in middle school this week.
We have one person in our class who will be receiving an award for having 100% attendance this year at school. Congratulations Gabriel.
Also to two children in our class who made it to Interschool Athletics. We wish you luck Polly and Harry.

Monday: Visiting the mobile library at school. There are 5 children who still need to return their library book. Please bring these back as Mrs O'Leary is starting stocktake!
Friday: Home learning, Home Reading are due. Golden time.

Saturday 23 November 2013

Week 7 Already!

Hello everybody! Thank you to all the parents who were able to help out with athletics last Friday. It was a very exciting day. Well done to those children who got placings in their events too!
I will be giving children portfolio assessment over the next few weeks. The reading results are looking good for most of the class. Just a few children who need to make sure they read as often as possible.

We have swimming on all week, so please make sure you bring your swimming gear in.

Monday: Library. No more issuing as Mrs O'Leary needs to do a stocktake.  So could all books be returned immediately.
We also wish our Kapa Haka Ahurei performers lots of luck, as they will be performing on this night.

Tuesday: Consultation with Indian community Meeting at 6pm.

Wednesday: Singing Practice.

Friday: Golden Time.

Sunday 17 November 2013


This week the school is hosting some community meetings.  The discussion will be on some aspects of our Charter and planned E-learning developments for the school for next year.  The meetings will be held in Room 15 and are scheduled for:

Wednesday 20 November         

General Meeting     3.15 pm 
Whanau Group       5.30 pm  

Thursday 21 November             

 General Meeting     8.45 am (meeting in Hall)          
 Filipino Community  3.15 pm
 Pasifika Fono         5.30 pm
 General Meeting    7.00pm

Tuesday 26  November             
 Indian Community   6.30 pm

Anyone is welcome to attend any meeting time slot that suits. The same content will be presented at each meeting. It would be good if everyone could try to come to a meeting -  particularly parents of children who are currently in Year 2 or 3.  This is because the school is planning to allow students in Year 3/4 in 2014 to bring a Chromebook to school if they wish (probably from start of Term 2).